Monday, April 14, 2008


Life can be happy, life can be sad
You can be angry, but it'd be a real drag
Why spoil the run, when you can play and have fun?
Why sit and stare, at a clock that won't care?
Just keep looking forward, never look down
Turn up the volume, get lost in the sound
Do what you must, no need for a fuss
Don't be shy, close your eyes and fly
Face the facts, ignore the strife
Go ahead, enjoy your life

Friday, April 4, 2008

Butterfly away

Musetopias animal is the butterfly. This is because they come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes, but are all equally beautiful and graceful in their own peaceful way. Each butterfly has a different preference of flowers and their own unique way of obtaining the nectar within. However, despite these differences they all get what they must to survive, and together in harmony they pollinate these flowers to help them continue to grow. Thus enriching the earth with sweet smells and joyous sights, each petal promising us a bright and lively future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The law

1. Never steal

2. Never lie

3. Never be mean

4. Accept one another

5. Eat to live, don't live to eat

6. Always be true to yourself

7. Respect your elders

8. Never harm another living thing

9. Be courteous and generous

10. Think before you act

Monday, March 31, 2008

I hereby declare...

There comes a time in one's life when they step out of their blissful world of ignorance and into the world of reality. In this world there is crime, hate, poverty, negligence, disabilities, sickness, and etc.

One can not wear something even slighty out of fashion without getting picked on. Nor can they listen to what they please or create what they please without harsh critisism. If you have your own opinion you're considered weird, crazy, an outsider. If you enjoy academics and would rather study for an upcoming test than hang out, you're a dork. If something irritates you whether it's a law, boss, teacher, job, school, or class, alike you can't do anything about it without punishment. In today's society we are trapped, smothered by our own quilt.

So it only makes sence to create a better more perfect society. Where the people may do what they please (as long as it abides by the law) without being afraid of what others might say or do. Where, no matter what inspires you to create no matter what amuses you, you are safe from harm. No matter what your problems may be, you can always smooth it over, and no one will ever starve, dislike another, be handi-capped in any way, get sick, or have their desires and imagination be stifled by in Musetopia